The Do‘s and Don’ts of Telehealth

Telehealth is fantastic way to still receive top notch care, but now from the comfort of your own home or office!

To make it an even better experience, here are some of our tips for the most seamless experience possible!

things to do

Things to Do:

  • We recommend logging on 5-10 minutes before the start of your session.
    • The online platform allows you to test your connection before you start.
  • Use a computer, tablet, or mobile device
    • The device must have a microphone & camera, as well as a strong internet connection
  • Internet connection/WiFi
    • You can use WiFi, a wired connection, or your mobile device (although data plans or plan costs may limit usage).
  • Comfortable clothes
    • This will allow you to move easy during your session.
    • Clothing that is more snug fitting will allow your provider to better see your movements.
  • Space requirements
    • Choose a place that you are comfortable in, with minimal noise and interruptions.
    • Have enough space to move in. This may include needing to lie down somewhere.
    • Make sure you have privacy so that you feel comfortable answering questions and share information.
    • Use a consistent location. This helps your provider know what equipment, furniture, and space are available during your session.

Things to Avoid

  • Be safe. Do not drive or participate in other activities that may cause harm.
  • Avoid busy, noisy areas whenever possible.
  • Avoid areas with a lot of clutter or that lack much space.
  • Avoid big baggy clothing that limits your provider’s ability to see movement.
things to avoid

Having Trouble?

Need something other than our list of do’s and don’ts?

If you’re having trouble with the platform, please go to

Wondering about your internet speed? Check out this link to test it.

Have other questions or concerns? Call us at 303-960-2075 or email us at