The Scheduling Process

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The process is easy!

  1. Visit our scheduling page here. It will open in a new tab.
  2. Choose the type of visit you want to have (descriptions below.
  3. Once you make your session selection, you will see a calendar come up with available dates and times.
  4. Select your date and time of choice, then click “continue”.
    • The “recurring” option is to set a recurring appointment.
  5.  Next, the system will ask for some info: your first & last name, your phone number, and your email address.
    • This email address is where you’ll get all of your confirmation emails, reminder emails, etc.
    • If you have previously logged into this system, you have the option to “log-in” at the top right corner of the box.
  6. Click “Pay Now”.
    • Here, you will enter your payment information.
    • You also have a choice to save the card to your profile to make future payments more easy.
  7. Click “Pay & Confirm”.

Congratulations – you are scheduled!

You’re confirmation email and reminder emails will include the link to our secure online-platform.

Please check out our Do’s & Don’t page before your first appointment.

And, of course, we’re always happy to get you scheduled via a phone call, email, or text!

Appointment Options

  • Brief Evaluation (30 minutes)
    • Great for current patients that have a new concern.
    • Also for prior patients that have been in sometime in the past year with a “minor” new concern or flare-up.
  • New Patient Evaluation (60 minutes)
    • Meant for brand new patients to our office.
    • Also for patients (current or prior) with a major new concern.
  • Quick Check-In (15 minutes)
    •  Perfect if you just have a quick question or clarification, or need to review 1-2 exercises in your program.
  • Regular Check-In (30 minutes)
    • This allows you to ask a couple of questions, do a minor overhaul or update of your current program, or have a new “minor” concern that you want to address.
    • Can also be used for a full exe4rcises session if you want us to correct your form or give you a variation.
  • Full Check-In (45 minutes)
    • The best option if you have several questions, want a complete update to your program.
    • Also good for a full exercise session to review form and/or progress your program.