First of all,

thank you for your interest in learning more about a teaching method I use with dancers in the studio or in seminars. This was originally submitted as a movement session and was accepted as a poster.

Experiential Anatomy Education – IADMS 2023 by thewcsphysio

Below, you’ll find a variety of resources related to this project:

  • Reference articles
  • Reference videos
  • Responses to questions during poster presentation Q&A
  • More about the author

All artwork & videos created by Alyssa Arms.

No Disclosures: Alyssa Arms, PT, DPT, OCS has no financial disclosures that would be a potential conflict of interest with this presentation.

  1. Cardinal, M. K., Rogers, K. A., & Cardinal, B. J. (2020). Inclusion of dancer wellness education programs in U.S. colleges and universities: A 20-year update. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science, 24(2), 73–87.
  2. Kozai, A., & Ambegaonkar, J. P. (2020). Health literacy for collegiate dancers: Provision and perceptions of health-related education in University Dance Programs. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science, 24(3), 118–125.
  3. Romita, N., & Romita, A. (2023). Functional awareness: Anatomy in action for dancers. Oxford University Press.
  4. Russell, J. (2013). Preventing dance injuries: Current perspectives. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine, 199.
  5. Weight, E. A., Navarro, K. M., Smith-Ryan, A., & Huffman, L. T. (2016). Holistic education through athletics: Health and health-literacy of intercollegiate athletes and active undergraduate students. Journal of Higher Education Athletics & Innovation, (1), 38–60.

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